Pastor Nathaniel & Christina Lewis
Pastor Nathaniel (Tony) Lewis and Sis. Christina Lewis have been part of the ministry at The Rock Worship Center for over ten years. They have one daughter, Mckayla. Pastor Lewis was born in Southwest Florida. His ministry was almost destroyed in the womb when the umbilical was wrapped around his neck, but God has a plan for his life. At the age of 12, a member of the local church invited his family to Easter service. That special service was the one that changed his life. His sister was the first in the family to be baptized, which encouraged the other brothers to do to the same. They obeyed, and God has moved on all of their lives since that day.
Pastor Lewis developed his ministry under the leadership great men of God and through much prayer. He is a great example for men and women of the life changing power of the Holy Ghost. Pastor Lewis delivers an anointed Word to the congregation. His ministry extends beyond the pulpit. Every Saturday he leads the Outreach Team into the streets of Fort Myers. His heart beats for winning new souls and developing strong Christians through bible study. Pastor and Sis. Lewis also work closely with people of all ages. Sis. Lewis leads the music ministry. They love to work in the Kingdom of God and with the precious people of God. The Rock Worship Center is blessed by their ministry. Mckayla is active in the music department as singer and drummer.